
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Using the F-word in Public

And no, not the one you're thinking.
Please hear me out before you just dismiss this as another femi-nazi rant.

If you know me, you've probably heard me say something about being a woman, being taken seriously, and being treated with the respect that men are granted freely. I believe in equality: I am not better nor worse than a man, but with different strengths AND weaknesses. To claim that I am a FEMINIST-- however-- makes people uncomfortable. If a misogynist means someone who hates women, then would a feminist be someone who LOVES women?

I don't understand why this is something negative?

Power heels like a boss
I personally, right this second, know multiple women who let their boyfriends:
  • beat them
  • degrade them 
  • control their money 
  • restrict their access to their friends and families 
  • tell them what they are/aren't allowed to do/say/think

It is for them that I can not and I will not smile and say that, yes, women being "allowed" to have jobs and vote is enough. It's more than that-- its challenging ourselves and those around us to change how we view girls and women. 

Being a feminist means being a voice for the women who can't or won't speak for themselves. We must teach our girls that being opinionated isn't being "bossy;" its showing potential leadership ability early; its being more than a doormat. Little girls NEED to hear that they deserve to be loved, to make their own choices, and to be respected. To DEMAND respect if they must.

 Can you imagine a guy telling me what to do? To quote Drake's The Motto, "Wish a nigga would." 

Our boys need to be taught that being a REAL man isn't being controlling- its respecting the women in his life, and walking away from anger rather than resorting to violence. Its knowing that by his strength, of course he could control any woman he chooses to, but being a MAN means choosing love and respect over threats and intimidation. 

 Maybe you're thinking,

"Brooke- I'm all for respecting women and my boyfriend doesn't beat me.... I still don't need feminism? It doesn't apply to me?"

Theres a 3ish minute Miss Representation video at the bottom of the page you should check out;  its pretty entertaining, and is clips of different news anchors and advertisements from 2013.

Here's a few of the best quotes:
  • Rush Limbaugh on Beyonce and Jay Z,  "She married the rich guy, she understands its worth it to bow down." (because its not like she's successful on her own or anything...)
  • Joan Rivers on Adele, "You know that song 'Rolling in the Deep?' Yeah, she should have added 'fried chicken.' "
  • "I'm not saying you deserve to be raped, but..." (?????????????????)
  • CNN's headline about the Steubenville Rapists says they "have a promising future and are very good students" (ummm? no jail time?)
  • Male to female news anchor on the hannity show "Know your role and shut your mouth"
  • Multiple references to women in power being dismissed as "hysterical" and "too emotional" when speaking logically and using facts to win arguments
We have came a very long way from sitting at home and vacuuming in pearls, but if you think you don't need feminism, because the world will treat you correctly--- I guess you must be doing something these world class athletes, politicians, reporters, and entertainers are not. 

Being pro-woman isn't being anti-man. By reading the above, however, its clear that to be female is NOT to be respected, and that is the root of the problem.

Our female senators get dismissed as "chemically imbalanced" by their colleagues and it. must. stop. Our female professional athletes are reported as "not very pretty" in the news, as if that is their job or focus. Superbowl performer BEYONCE is dismissed as "bowing down" to her husband as the reason for her success. Very gifted, Grammy award winner Adele is judged specifically on her weight.

Women can't voice their opinions without being dismissed as "moody" or told to "stop being so sensitive." Until this changes, and I can get the respect that my male peers do, I won't stop talking about it. If you don't feel the same, I really would like to know why.

"Challenge the negatives and amplify the positives"

Think about it,

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