
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sounding STOOpiD: A Clarification

You know what's funny about blogs? They are the opinions of the author. This blog is mine. The opinions in this blog are mine. If you don't agree with anything I have to say, then please leave a comment or call me/text me if you would prefer, and I would be THRILLED to discuss with you, debate with you, or clarify what I meant. Maybe my writing wasn't very clear and you took it another way than I had intended for the piece to be read. Its possible.

But do not call my mother complaining. 

I am twenty two years old, and I may not have all of the answers, but I certainly know a little something something about the world. Well, at least enough to be able to form opinions for myself on MY blog.

If you haven't read it yet, check out before you read the rest.

I'll wait.....

Apparently that post caused just quite the uproar in Buffalo, so I feel like I should say what I really  meant.

1. I spent the first 18 years of my life in that town. Small towns are definitely charming in a "know your neighbors" kind of way. If I had grown up in a bigger place there is no WAY I could have cheered, played so many sports, done 4H, competed in theatre and UIL academics, then finish top 10%. Not possible. There just would be kids way smarter or way more athletic, so I am very grateful to have the opportunity. Would I move back to a small town as an adult? Not a chance. But that doesn't mean that small town living isn't perfect for someone else.
Front porches and sweet tea.... Southern comfort at its best :)

2. In no way did I mean that by growing up in a small town (or choosing to live there as an adult) you are automatically less intelligent than anyone else in the world, including myself. Do I think that learning comes from being exposed to new ideas and different cultures? Absolutely. Do I think that people in small towns are usually more closed minded or stuck in their ways than their urban neighbors? For sure. But there are exceptions to every rule.

3. I do NOT think that you have to have a formal education to be "smart." You do not need to go to A&M, UT, LSU, or any other in order to not be like the people I meant in my last post. If you went to public school beyond about 6th grade, then the only excuses you have for portraying yourself like that are either you are lazy or you are stupid. So which is it?

4. I do not think I am "better" than anyone else on this Earth. I think I am blessed with certain talents, and I am lacking in other areas, just like you reading this. But I will not discount the time and effort I just sank into my education for the last four years. My dad busts his tail every day to be financially able to support both me and my sister, and I am blessed beyond belief to have had to not take out loans. That doesn't mean I should feel bad about it. It doesn't mean I should apologize for my time here in College Station, either.

5. If you are really offended enough to need to call my mother to discuss MY thoughts, then maybe you should take a long look at yourself.  Why are you so offended by a post about people using grammar incorrectly? Why are you upset about people coming across as ignorant? Maybe you're mad because you KNOW you are guilty of this. Well, as they say folks, if the shoe fits....

To wrap up, I'm really very happy that people like to read this blog. I love to hear your feedback! I'm so sorry if that last post came across as offensive or judgmental, because its not what I meant at all. I'm not looking down my nose at anyone. I simply want you to be better than you already are, and to never stop learning and growing. If I can facilitate that through a silly internet post, then I'm absolutely thrilled to have had the opportunity to add a little something
to your life.

Until Next Time,

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